Rules Of New Leadership

Leadership has changed in recent years as technology and the internet have changed the world. Traditionally, leadership comes from the ‘top down’ with leaders telling others what to do and how to do it. The ‘top down’ style reflects the military ‘command and control’ model and was used in factories and schools as a way to achieve controlled efficiency.

Traditional leadership styles are less effective in today’s world given the level of access people have to information and the level of global interdependence between companies and countries.

One of the main drivers for the development of a new type of leadership is the need to keep up with change and the realisation that no one person, group or organisation has all the answers.

The shift from organisational hierarchies is affecting leadership, as formal taught courses are less effective; not least because so much learning now takes place on the job rather than in the classroom.

Today’s leadership traits are softer, more open and more inclusive, as leaders share information, engage others and encourage participation at all levels.

Traditional leadership is often identified with male characteristics such as a focus on solving specific problems and achieving outcomes in a goal orientated task-driven way.

New leadership is often identified with female characteristics such as listening, sharing and the inclusion of others to achieve performance.

True leadership will always blend the best of what is available to find its own way but it is useful to consider some of the new rules. They are:

  1. Listen to others and understand how they feel.
  2. Delegate to others and, when needed, ask for help.
  3. Seek out and listen to different and conflicting opinions.
  4. Be generous to those around you with your time and advice.
  5. Support the achievement of others without looking for credit.
  6. Live a balanced life within and outside work and career.
  7. Work patiently in a focussed way for long-term gain.
  8. Act from a set of values rather than short-term profit.
  9. Communicate clearly, simply and with the minimum of ego.

SO, the shift from ‘command and control’ to ‘share and engage’ changes everything and means leadership has entered a new era with new rules.

What about you?

Are you a ‘command and control’ or a ‘share and engage’ leader?

Look forward to seeing your comments below.