Social Enterprise

Digital Change Makers

Digital Change Makers is an EU Erasmus+ project bringing together project partners and experts from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Denmark and Ireland.

At a time when digital technologies have revolutionised the way we live and work and all aspects of our lives, we believe it is more crucial than ever to provide high quality, sector-specific training opportunities which allow business advisors to update their skills and embrace effective digital teaching and learning.

For this reason, Digital Change Makers aims to increase the ability and motivation of Business Advisors to use digital tools in their training. Our specific objectives are:

  1. Develop a Good Practice Catalogue (IO1) to introduce business advisors to the value of using and teaching digital competences to entrepreneurs and SMEs
  2. Create a Digital Changemakers Toolkit (IO2) providing them with practical guidance on how to incorporate 20 of the best digital (online) learning tools into their work
  3. Craft an online learning course (IO3) to consolidate advisors’ skills and confidence in using mobile and digital learning resources and their ability to recommend digital solutions to their clients.
  4. Engage business advisors and VET organizations in the development of the above, train the first group of Changemakers as coordinate an aggressive dissemination strategy, in order to facilitate the mainstreaming of systematic professional development opportunities for the business advisory community on this topic.

The immediate impact of the project will be an increase in the digital competences of advisors and trainers involving attitudinal change, knowledge acquisition and skills and confidence development. Business organisations that support their advisory staff to upskill in this area, will progress along their own path to becoming digitally competent educational organisations.

More information on this project can be found on the project’s Facebook page and on the dedicated project website. Access the first newsletter here and the second newsletter here.

Women Entrepreneurs in STEM

WISE has been developed with a clear goal to increase the number of female entrepreneurs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) by transforming their access to and the quality of the training they receive from entrepreneurship VET institutions.

This project convenes actors at all levels across the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system and the beneficiaries in order to promote change which is sustainable in the long term. The fact that women have different approaches to enterprise development, learn in different ways and require different support structures is well documented on paper, but often unexplored in action.

The Start-up in STEM course will address many of these aspects, using multimedia, interactive formats to generate both attitudinal change and grow confidence in technical skills.

For more information:

Partners in the WISE Project:

Woment Entrepreneurs in STEM Woment Entrepreneurs in STEM Woment Entrepreneurs in STEM Woment Entrepreneurs in STEM Woment Entrepreneurs in STEM