What Kind Of Entrepreneur Are You?

Researchers often divide entrepreneurs into two categories: those driven by ‘opportunity’ and those driven by ‘necessity’. Separating them in this way can be useful but it doesn’t describe the variety of people who start businesses or explain what motivates them to succeed.


The media often treats entrepreneurs as if they are a uniform group that share the same aims and ambitions, which are usually focussed around making as much money as possible.

Little, however, couldn’t be further from the truth, as entrepreneurs differ from each other in style and substance and demeanour just as much as other people.

Understanding the differences is vital, as it informs government policy and enables support organisation to help entrepreneurs create jobs and start the businesses needed to build a stable and prosperous economy.

Similarly, the scale and type and ambition of the businesses started by entrepreneurs fall into different categories. They include: local businesses, part-time businesses, creative businesses and growth businesses.

Local Businesses

Entrepreneurs running local businesses usually focus on small geographic areas and enjoy the freedom and challenge of being their own boss.

They develop their business to a point where it provides an income for themselves and their family, a level of security for the future and jobs for local people.

Part-time Businesses

Some entrepreneurs start part-time businesses or work on contract to test whether or not customers are willing to spend their money to buy what they are selling.

They may be self-employed or operate as a one-person business built around a particular interest or hobby.

In this scenario, they develop the business to become a full-time occupation or simply run it on a long-term, part-time basis to supplement other income.

Creative Businesses

Some entrepreneurs start creative businesses and use technology to innovate and invent.

The owner is usually stirred by a desire for independence and the wish to be free from the restrictions of working for someone else.

They focus on their niche of expertise and are motivated as much by wanting to make a difference as by making lots of money or generating great wealth.

Growth Businesses

Others entrepreneurs are driven by the need to develop a fast-growing business of significant size and scale that employs hundreds or thousands of people.

They have a strong sense of purpose about what they are doing and why they are doing it and a clear vision of what they want from the business and the people around them.

They often have an instinctive ability to judge the market and a capacity to inspire and engage others in the hard work needed to turn lofty ideas into practical reality.

SO, entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes and have different dreams and drives just, in fact, like everyone else.