Doing Business With Fermanagh & Omagh District Council

Are you registered to do business with the Council?

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council procures a varied range of supplies, services and works to efficiently meet the needs of the Council area in line with the Council’s Procurement Policy (Policy) which is available on their website

To ensure value for money is achieved, procurement is carried out in a competitive manner by either a Request for Quotation (Quotations) or Tender, depending on the level of expenditure, in line with the Council’s procurement limits.

For expenditure which is estimated to cost below £30,000, the Council will seek Quotations from businesses in line with the Policy.
Businesses can register their interest in supplying goods, services and contract works to the Council by completing the Council’s Supplier Registration Form which is available on the Council’s website:

Where expenditure which is estimated to exceed £30,000 the Council will seek Tenders. These are publicly advertised and opportunities can be viewed on the Tenders section of the Council website

The Council uses the eTendersNI procurement portal for the issue and receipt of tender submissions, please register using the following web address

Businesses can also register their interest or forward any queries to the Council’s Procurement Team on 0300 3031777.